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Tag: cambium
Sat down With JJ Mcgrath and Eric Sooter at the Mikrotik User meeting in Autin for a little “
Passed some cambium tests tonight

Cambium Install in Northern Indiana

Small install to a 90 foot tower. Tower was utilizing epmp with a netonix switch at the bottom. Tower was fed with an integrated Cambium 550.

I was able to sit down at WISPAMERICA and talk with Dmitry from Cambium about some of the misconceptions of using 3rd party antennas with ePMP 3000.

Tower One Spring show
Tower one is kicking off its early spring road tour with the following stops to conduct tower safety and rescue training. If anyone would like to join any of these classes feel free to contact us at:
March 26-27th Upland, Indiana
April 8-9th Lasara, Texas
April 10-11th Lasara, Texas
April 16-17th Mitchell, Nebraska
April 18-19th Albuquerque, New Mexico
April 22-23rd Amarillo, Texas
April 24-26th Iola, Kansas
April 29-30th Salisbury, Missouri
May 1-3rd Terre Haute, Indiana
Comcast FLEX offering
Microsoft says FCC overstates broadband
FCC resolves some WHITESPACE petitions

Cambium shows us some of the features and benefits of the 450 and MU – MIMO.
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