I have moved much of the Podcast content to https://blog.j2sw.com. A new flash briefing has been posted there.
Tag: podcast
Podcast on Google Play

Tower One Spring show
Tower one is kicking off its early spring road tour with the following stops to conduct tower safety and rescue training. If anyone would like to join any of these classes feel free to contact us at: sales@toweroneinc.com
March 26-27th Upland, Indiana
April 8-9th Lasara, Texas
April 10-11th Lasara, Texas
April 16-17th Mitchell, Nebraska
April 18-19th Albuquerque, New Mexico
April 22-23rd Amarillo, Texas
April 24-26th Iola, Kansas
April 29-30th Salisbury, Missouri
May 1-3rd Terre Haute, Indiana
Comcast FLEX offering
Microsoft says FCC overstates broadband
FCC resolves some WHITESPACE petitions
Packet Pushers – IPV6 address Planning
Podcasts and blog list

Podcasts are listed on iTunes now

Subscribe now. Google coming soon.

In this Briefing:
KP Performance announces a new 900 mhz antenna
Looking for billing help? I have a colleague who is exploring getting back into doing Billing work for ISPs. If you need help let’s have a conversation.
MidWest-IX will be exhibiting at WispAmerica 2019.
MTIN Flash briefing January 31 2019

We are trying out something new. This is aimed at a quick burst of information for ISPs, network operators, and those involved in supporting networks. These “flash briefings” are aimed to be 2-5 minutes in length. iTunes and other subscriptions coming shortly.
In this flash briefing:
Cisco is discontinuing BGPmon in favor of their Crosswork Network Insights. Faq is available here. Read the official announcement
ISPs, the deadline for form 477 is March 8th.
Click to access WhoMustFileForm477.pdf
WispAmerica 2019 -March 19th-21st http://www.wispa.org/WISPAMERICA
Mikrotik MUM April 4th-5th https://mum.mikrotik.com/2019/US/info/EN
Listen. Itunes Subscription coming soon.