I was able to sit down at WISPAMERICA and talk with Dmitry from Cambium about some of the misconceptions of using 3rd party antennas with ePMP 3000.

I was able to sit down at WISPAMERICA and talk with Dmitry from Cambium about some of the misconceptions of using 3rd party antennas with ePMP 3000.
Tower One Spring show
Tower one is kicking off its early spring road tour with the following stops to conduct tower safety and rescue training. If anyone would like to join any of these classes feel free to contact us at: sales@toweroneinc.com
March 26-27th Upland, Indiana
April 8-9th Lasara, Texas
April 10-11th Lasara, Texas
April 16-17th Mitchell, Nebraska
April 18-19th Albuquerque, New Mexico
April 22-23rd Amarillo, Texas
April 24-26th Iola, Kansas
April 29-30th Salisbury, Missouri
May 1-3rd Terre Haute, Indiana
Comcast FLEX offering
Microsoft says FCC overstates broadband
FCC resolves some WHITESPACE petitions
Cambium and CTIconnecxt put on a webinar about ePMP 3000 today. This should be available online at one point. Look for it in the Cambium forums.
Some notes I took
-ePMP 3000 offers Simultaneous MIMO downlink transmission
-You will be able to use the beamsteering antenna with the 3000. Cambium is working on the software to make this work.
-3000 has a dedicated receiver chip. This allows you to run the spectrum analyzer in realtime. Also has “edetect on steroids” which shows more information than the current edetect.
-Sector is a 4X4 90 degree sector with beamforming. Achieves and extra 3db in the downlink.
Beamforming vs Beamsteering
Beamsteering is for dealing with interference.
Beamforming is for downlink gain.
-Cambium mentioned the concept of Azimuth Delta. This is groups of SMs in terms of how the AP talks to groups. The gave an example on a google earth plot. In a nutshell, when you have gain in one direction it takes advantage of the null in different directions. More to this, but that is for another post.
-“Sounding” -Sends a special packet and gets feedback from the subscriber. Determines how the phase shift works and other things.
-Elevated clients beta is coming to make the elevated clients work with the 3000.
I hope distributors work out a smaller cold shrink for the sma connectors on the ePMP Ap radios. Weatherproofing these properly will be an issue due to the close proximity of the connectors. I have not seen the connectors on a sector to see how those will be. This is where folks could take a page from the coldshring that comes with the Baicells gear or the cables with the integrated boot some distributors sell.
A photo album of some products from the wispa show in Vegas.
Some info on the cambium PTP 550 Data Rates
“Downlink Max Rate” specifies the maximum downlink MCS value that the Rate Adapt algorithm will choose.
MCS values range for data from MCS 9 to MCS 1 for one or two Spatial Streams (Single Stream and Dual Stream respectively). A higher MCS value (e.g. MCS 9) carries more data, but requires more link budget / stronger radio signal. Thus, MCS 9 provides the most data, but the least robust link (i.e. greatest chance data can be lost) and MCS 1 provides the least data, but the most robust link (i.e. least change data can be lost).
DS MCS provide two streams of independent data over the two transmit chains while SS MCS provide one stream of data over both transmit chains.
Setting “Uplink Max Rate” to a DS MCS 9 – DS MCS 1 value will allow this MCS and all lower dual stream MCS values to be used along with all similar or lower single stream MCS values. For example, choosing DS MCS 8 means that DS MCS 8 – DS MCS 1 and SS MCS 8 – SS MCS 1 will be used in the Rate Adapt algorithm. Setting “Uplink Max Rate” to an SS MCS 7 – SS MCS 1 value will allow this and all lower single stream MCS values.
Rates Highest to lowest
DS MCS9 – 256-QAM 5/6
DS MCS8 – 256-QAM 3/4
DS MCS7 – 64-QAM 5/6
DS MCS6 – 64-QAM 3/4
DS MCS5 – 64-QAM 2/3
DS MCS4 – 16-QAM 3/4
DS MCS3 – 16-QAM 3/4
DS MCS2 – QPSK 3/4
DS MCS1 – QPSK 1/2
SS MCS9 – 256-QAM 5/6
SS MCS8 – 256-QAM 3/4
SS MCS7 – 64-QAM 5/6
SS MCS6 – 64-QAM 3/4
SS MCS5 – 64 QAM 2/3
SS MCS4 – 16-QAM-3/4
SS MCS3 – 16-QAM 1/2
SS MCS2- QPSk3/4
SS MCS1 – QPSK 1/2
MCS\Rx Sensitivity 20 MHz 40 MHz 80 MHz
Lowest MCS -90 dBm -87 dBm -83 dBm
Highest MCS . -66 dBm -62 dBm -59 dBm
I am starting an ongoing series involving a semi-static set of devices. These will involve different tutorials on things such as OSPF, cambium configuration, vlans, and other topics. Below is the general topology I will use for this lab network. As things progress I will be able to swap different manufacturers and device models into this scenario without changing the overall topology. We may add a device or two here and there, but overall this basic setup will remain the same. This will allow you to see how different things are configured in the same environment without changing the overall scheme too much.
We will start with very basic steps. How to login to the router, how to set an IP address, then we will move to setting up a wireless bridge between the two routers. Once we have that done we will move onto setting up OSPF to enable dynamic routing. After that the topics are open. I have things like BGP planned, and some other things. If there is anything you would like to see please let me know.
Some highlights on the ePMP Elevate platform.
-Allows ePMP Elevate software to run on on non-Cambium 802.11n subscriber modules
-ePMP Elevate subscribers function as ePMP subscribers
-Solution for WISPs who have hardware deployed. Offers a migration plan.
-ePMP AP must be licensed for ePMP Elevate
-5GHZ Only
-XW and XM based Ubiquiti hardware
-17 supported models
-2.4 GHZ is in on the roadmap. No official comment on timeframe.
-cnMaestro support is available for XW hardware
-Replaces the UBNT software with a cambium interface. Looks pretty close to any other ePMP interface.
-If DFS is FCC certified on the hardware it will work on the hardware when it gets the elevate system.
1 Subscriber license $35
10 Subscriber License $315
You would buy multiples 10 subscriber licenses for more than 10 subs. Locked to wired mac Address of the AP.
New Features added:
Release 2.4 adds the following features:
eFortify™ Enhancements:
eCommand™ Enhancements:
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