FlashBriefing podcast

MTIN Flash Briefing February 28,2019

 Amazon and eero announced that Amazon will acquire eero. eero’s home mesh Wi-Fi systems set up in minutes and blanket every room of a customer’s home in high-performing, reliable Wi-Fi.

Cambium has published the results of their recent WISP survery

Most IPV4 addresses are going for around $20 at auction and brokers as of this writing.  The price keeps going up.

What is your calibration strategy on your cable and RF install tools?


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8TB Storage Drive for $139

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Cisco courses

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Anderson Power Poles

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Data Center

Data Center Tiers

Tier 1 = Non-redundant capacity components. things such as power have single feeds.
99.671% Uptime
no redundancy
28.8 Hours of downtime per year.

Tier 2 = Tier 1 + Redundant capacity components.
99.749% Uptime
Partial redundancy in power and cooling
Experience 22 hours of downtime per year

Tier 3 = Dual-powered equipment and feeds for power, cooling, and essential services.
99.982% uptime (Tier 3 uptime)
No more than 1.6 hours of downtime per year
N+1 fault tolerant providing at least 72-hour power outage protection

Tier 4 = All components are fully fault-tolerant including uplinks, storage, chillers, HVAC systems, servers etc. Everything is dual-powered.
9.995% uptime per year (Tier 4 uptime)
2N+1 fully redundant infrastructure (the main difference between tier 3 and tier 4 data centers)
96-hour power outage protection
26.3 minutes of annual downtime.

If you want to read up on the N redundancies.


Mikrotik Vulnerability

On February 2 a CVE issue was published, describing a vulnerability, which allows to proxy a TCP/UDP request through the routers Winbox port if it’s open to the internet.

A fix has already been released on February 11, 2019 in all RouterOS release channels. Please keep your device up to date, and protect Winbox port from untrusted networks.

More information:

IPV6 Networking

IPV6 point-to-point subnets

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FCC Brendan Carr to Keynote WISPAmerica

WISPA is pleased to announce that Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr will deliver the keynote address at WISPAmerica, on March 20th. Carr was recently reconfirmed by the U.S. Senate to a full, five-year term at the FCC, having previously served a partial term. Carr is a champion of rural broadband who has met frequently with WISPA representatives and has visited WISPA member facilities. He is also a leader of efforts to improve the United States’ internet infrastructure and reduce regulatory burdens. He is knowledgeable on the full range of telecom policy issues, especially wireless, public safety, competition and international issues.   


Block countries based on IP addresses from the ISP Supplies blog

The folks over at ISP supplies put out a blog post a couple months ago.

 Recently (today) updated the database of IP addresses by Country to generate MikroTik IP Address Lists by country.  Check it out!

UPDATE: 12/31/18  With the help of Google, I wrote a bash script to automatically update the lists daily!