
Anderson Power Poles

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Open Source Box Design

One of the biggest challenges WISPs and anyone deploying wireless gear is power and distribution.  I have put together a checklist for purchasing items to make a standard box MTIN would deploy. This is not designed to be a how-to, but rather a “What to buy” guide.

Link to the PDF (7Meg Download)

Throughout this documents I make notes based upon experience. As with anything, these are not hard rules. They are meant to be guidelines to follow. Please adapt to your uses. For example, if you don’t have any non-cambium radios you don’t need the POE injectors found on page 5.

If you find this document useful please feel free to send your thoughts, beer money, or other admiration. Links to are always appreciated, as well as twitter ( @j2sw ) or facebook follows ( )are always appreciated.   If you reproduce any parts of this Open Source document please give credit to the original source.

Box in deployment. Fiber has not been dressed so don’t worry it gets better protected.
Basic no frills box with 2 PacketFlux gigabit injectors
